Category Archives: Terragen

Terragen Mars: Alba Patera

If I were to ask you what the largest known volcano in the solar system was, you’d probably answer Olympus Mons on Mars correct? I’ve recently discovered this is not exactly true. Although Olympus Mons is indeed tallest known volcano (at about 27 km) it is not the largest by area. Fortunately we don’t have far to go to find the true king — in fact we don’t even need to leave Mars. A scant (on a cosmic scale) 1750 km to the northeast lies Alba Patera.

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I “discovered” this feature while browsing Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter (MOLA) data using JMARS (check it out — it’s very cool). I noticed a large caldera-like structure on a comparatively flat area of Mars. It looked to me like an Olympus Mons-type shield volcano that either never was, or had collapsed/slumped. Comparing the cratering of this feature to that of Olympus Mons led me to believe this was an older feature geologically. I immediately noted this “mystery volcano” covered a LOT more area than any of the Tharsis shields including Olympus Mons. At any rate it was armed with these suppositions that I began to search online for information about this feature.

Alba Patera (“patera” meaning “saucer” in Latin) has the largest diameter of any volcano in the solar system at over 1600 km (Olympus Mons is about 625 km across). Despite its size however, it is very flat — Alba Patera has a total height of only about 7 km. It lies directly north of the Tharsis bulge with it’s 100-km-diameter caldera right on 250ºE 40ºN. Most notably it is surrounded by a distinctive series of fractures oriented predominately north-south. Among these fractures are “chains” of crater-like features called collapse pits. In a volcanic enviroment collapse pits are formed when the roof of an evacuated lava tube collapses under its own weight. A great close-up of collapse pits from an area in the northeast region of the Alba Patera complex — taken by the Mars Odyssey Thermal Emission Imaging System (THEMIS) — can be seen here.

The following Terragen renders were done with bump and color maps obtained from Before overlaying the 3D render with the color map, I combined it with a grayscale MOLA image of the same region in order to enhance the surface detail. Although these renders aren’t as awe inspiring as Valles Marineris or as breathtaking as Planum Boreum, I learned many interesting facts about this region of Mars which had been — until this effort — unknown to me.

Alba Patera view north
Alba Patera collapse pits
Alba Patera north view 2
Alba Pater view SW
Alba Patera viewSE

So the next time someone asks you about the largest volcano in the solar system, ask them if they mean “largest” or “tallest” — then set the record straight! 🙂

Terragen Mars: Planum Boreum

Welcome to Terragen Mars: Planum Boreum — the second installment of some visual explorations I’m creating using Terragen for Mac OS X.

Planum Boreum (North Plain) is the name of the area at the north pole of Mars. At about 1,200 km across, the martian polar cap is cut by canyons and troughs that dive as deep as 1 km beneath the surface. The largest of which is the Chasma Boreale (Northern Canyon) which nearly bisects the north polar cap by a third.

The ice cap contains layers of both light and dark material in a spiral pattern which is commonly agreed to be carved by wind and the evaporation of ices. During the Martian winter, the spiral polar cap bulks up with carbon dioxide ice, only to sublimate during the summer period exposing the plain and fairly permanent water-ice cap underneath. Elevation data from the Mars Observer Laser Altimeter (MOLA) instrument shows that large areas of the ice cap are quite smooth, with variations in elevation of only a meter or two over many kilometers.

The renders I have done were built from two main data sources, topographical data and an image overlay. The topography was generated from a bump map obtained at based on MOLA data. My initial plan was to synthetically recreate the surface colors and I think I made a valiant attempt…

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North Pole Mars - Planum Boreum

Since the application of color in Terragen is primarily governed by altitude (min & max) and slope (min & max), I was unable to get the results I wanted. So it was back to the drawing board. Over the next few days I was poking around Mars images online and I came across an image of the north pole taken by the Mars Global Surveyor with the Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC) — specifically MGS MOC Release No. MOC2-231, 22 May 2000.

The MOC image covers the ice cap but it only partially covers region I am working with. So using a false-color image I generated from the grayscale bump map, I merged the two into this image covering the entire region. Although the topography remains accurate across this entire image, as you move away from the ice cap the coloration becomes synthesized. Not a bad trade-off though.

It was this image I overlaid onto the topography to achieve the results I was finally pleased with. Here is another render from a similar position and altitude as my first (poor) attempt.

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North Pole Mars - Planum Boreum

To be quite honest I was absolutely floored! It exceeded my wildest expectations. I hope you enjoy the rest of the views I rendered representing the Martian polar cap in early summer. The vertical relief has been doubled.

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North Pole Mars - Planum Boreum

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North Pole Mars - Planum Boreum

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North Pole Mars - Planum Boreum

Last but not least, I give you the Martian north pole in Quicktime VR from an altitude of approximately 35-40 km.

Click here to open the QTVR scene of Planum Boreum (north pole) in a new window

You’ll need Apple – QuickTime to view the file.

Where do we go next?

Terragen Mars: Valles Marineris

Welcome to Terragen Mars: Valles Marineris — the first installment of some visual explorations using Terragen for Mac OS X I hope to continue are time permits. Now on with the show!

Valles Marineris is a vast canyon system that runs along the Martian equator just east of the Tharsis region. As the largest canyon in the Solar System, it extends over 3,000 kilometers, spans as much as 600 kilometers across and is as much as 8 kilometers deep — 6 to 7 times deeper than the Grand Canyon. Spanning about 20 percent (1/5) of the circumference of the Mars, Valles Marineris is big enough to stretch across the entire continental United States.

The region was first discovered in 1971 by the spacecraft, Mariner 9. The first obiter to successfully reach Mars, it returned more than 7,329 images providing the first global mapping of the planet. After discovering the canyon system, mission scientists decided to name it after this spacecraft… Valles Marineris (Valley of Mariner). The origin of the canyon remains unknown, however most researchers agree that it began as is a tectonic fissure in the Martian crust. Forming as the planet cooled and affected by the rising crust in the Tharsis region to the west, it was subsequently widened by erosion. Near the eastern flanks of the rift there appear to be some channels that may have been formed by water.

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The above mosaic was created from 102 images of Mars taken by Viking orbiters in the 1970s. This view is similar to that which one would see from a spacecraft about 2,500 kilometers above the surface of the planet. Image Processing by Jody Swann/Tammy Becker/Alfred McEwen, using the PICS (Planetary Image Cartography System) image processing system developed at the U.S. Geological Survey in Flagstaff, Arizona.

Below are a number of renders I did of the central Valles Marineris region using Terragen. To calculate the surface topography I used a bump map of the surface of Mars obtained from and overlaid the render with a shaded color image of the same area. The altitude of the camera was approximated by considering the scale of the image combined with the known maximum and minimum heights of the topography.

All of my renders here are vertically stretched by 133% to enhance the “majesty” of the region and should only be used for “gee whiz” purposes. Although, after examining the completed renders (with the exaggerated heights) it seems to me as if there may have been some type of liquid shaping of the entire region north the canyon… particularly in the second render from the NNW.

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Lastly, I created a Quicktime VR scene of the area from a position approximately 120 km above Melas Chasma – the large central area of the Valles Marineris canyon system.

Click here to open the QTVR scene of Valles Marineris in a new window

You’ll need Apple – QuickTime to view the file.

Enjoy! Any requests on where we explore next?

Ah the skies are clearing here and hopefully I’ll get the scope back outside in the next day or two.

Terragen: Olympus Mons for real

Ok, in our last episode I presented what will henceforth be known as my “Pitiful Rendering of a Flight Over Olympus Mons. For those of you that didn’t see it for one reason or another here is a frame of the animation depicting Olympus Mons on Mars:

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Yes it’s that lightly shaded pancake in the middle. Well as I mentioned in that post the scale was a little off and I could have done a better job with the terrain texture…

I think I got it now… 😉

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The cratering and surface striations are all correctly depicted now. As it took over 20 minutes to render this one image there won’t be a fly over anytime soon. I’m looking into creating a render farm with my 4 Macs running OS X. It’s built into every modern Macintosh with a technology called Xgrid. I’ve already been able to get the Macs working together but the problem I’m having is getting Terragen to recognize and utilize the cluster.

Ah well… cloudy night activities.